Bacchanal 24 Kt gilded bronze bracelet depicting a Roman marble bas-relief from the Archaelogical Museum of Naples

• Handmade 100% Made in Italy • Band material: 24 Kt Gold

This 24 Kt gilded bronze bracelet depicting a Bacchanal was made starting from a wax model created by our goldsmiths by hand. The scene is taken from a Roman marble bas-relief exhibited at the Archaeological Museum of Naples. In the middle we see an old Silenus crowned with ivy, carrying a cup in one hand, and a crown in the other, the reward of his victory over drinkers; he staggers, and he certainly would fall, if he weren't supported by two young fauns. Behind him we see a Lampadophorus (or “bearer of torches“) and a Caneforum (“basket bearer”) To the left of the Silenus we see successively a Bacchante, a harpsichord player, and a boy carrying some of initiation; a Phallophorus instruments (an actor who wore, in this parties, in addition to the mask, also a phallus) that unfastens its belt; a satyr-woman (Oreades) who places the Pedum (stick lo lead animals) and the Syrinx (musical instrument: Pan flaute) at the feet of Dionysus-Hermes, which we recognize from her horns and from the Nebris (fawn skin, similar to an aegis, attributed to Dionysus) that surrounds her bust. In the corner we notice the God Cupid who seems to be coming to take part in the party. To the left of the Silenus there is a small altar surmounted by a pine cone: a lighted torch is the preparation for the sacrifice. A Bacchante, lying on a bear skin, rests voluptuously in an attitude that leaves no doubt about the causes of her fatigue see a Satyr coming out of his house di lui, attracted by the noise, and who is impatient to come and take part in this orgy. Finally, at the end of the Bas-relief, a woman disguised as a satyr poses herself on the attribute of a Priapus-Hermes. The scene takes place in a forest, where a number of oaks and a palm tree can be seen.